廟宇美學經典 ─ 徐明河

Classical Aesthetics of Temples
Hsu, Ming-He
Temples are the centers of religious beliefs, while serving the functions of blessing and civilizing. The architectural style features solemnity, divinity and luxury. Therefore, it traditionally encompasses 5 elements-stone sculpture, wood sculpture, Koji pottery, Jiannian (ceramics cutting and pasting art), and painting. During the period when a large number of temples were built in Taiwan, the cost of Koji Pottery was so high that the relatively low-priced Jiannian became popular and has contributed to the aesthetics of temples ever since. Hsu has witnessed the history of Jiannian in Taiwan from the period of his apprenticeship to professor-level craftsmanship, from his work of restoring common shrines to historic temples.
In 2015, the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taoyuan City Government registered Hsu as a cultural heritage of "Traditional Craft – Preserver of Jiannian techniques." The reasons offer a vivid description of his lifetime contribution:
First, artistry. His extensive experience and superb skills in Jiannian and Koji Pottery breathes life into ceramic figures, high in art values.
Second, scarcity. Hsu has perfected the crafts of Jiannian, drawing upon the essence of traditional working process, engineering and methods.
Third, authenticity. Being the successor of master, Hung, Kun-Fu and inheriting the techniques of Master Yao, Tzu-Lai, Hsu’s artworks could be found in major temples.
Fourth, mastery and embodiment. The preserver not only engages in creating works of art but teaches in university to pass down artistic skills, contributing much to the preservation of traditional crafts.





一、具備藝術性:精煉純熟的剪黏、交趾陶技藝,作品栩栩 如生,維妙維肖,深具藝術性。
二、具備特殊性:剪黏技藝精湛,工序、工法、工科均得傳 統之功力。
三、具備地方性:得洪坤福一脈,承姚自來師之真傳,重要 廟宇皆有其作品。
四、精通並能體現該項傳統藝術:保存者不僅仍從事創作並 於大學授課傳承,對保存 傳統工藝甚有貢獻。